A project for Rice Design-a-thon 2022, a 3-day design challenge.

My Contribution:
User Research
User Experience
Interface Design

3 Product Designers

💥 The Challenge

Design a mobile application that encourages practices of a healthy lifestyle.

💥 The Problem

People want to build healthy habits but find it challenging to stay on track because of a lack of motivation.

🌟 The Solution

A habit-tracking app that encourages users to start and maintain healthy habits by reminding users their motivations and goals.

User Interviews

✨ Unveiling the health habit holdbacks

3/4 interviewees said they would like reminders of their initial intention for building healthy habits to help them to stay motivated.

We began our initial research by conducting interviews with 8 college students and asked about their experience with implementing a habit.

🏹 Key insights:

  • Being busy with more urgent responsibilities inhibits most users from maintaining their habits.
  • Staying motivated is challenging for users.
  • Users have a tendency of losing momentum after skipping a few days of keeping habits.
  • Users would like reminders of why they want to build these healthy habits in the first place.

Competitive Analysis

✨ Habit-tracking apps under the magnifying glass

Our team tested and compared 7 different habit-tracking apps. I investigated in the apps’ features and usability heuristic to gain a well-rounded understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

🏹 Key insights:

  • Customizability is limited.
  • Most products do not provide long-term motivation.
  • Most products have complicated steps to create and edit habits.

Ideation + Sketches

✨ Crafting the ideal feature set

With user pain points and product research in mind, I began to map out ideas for possible functionalities for each screen.

📝 Possible features:

  • Add habits with motivational words.
  • Gain reward points when completing a habit.
  • A calendar to view habit completion statistics.
  • Add reflection / diary entries for each day.
  • Create moodboards for inspirations and motivation.
  • Share your habit completion statistics with friends.

♻️ Moving to Phase 2:

I decided not to follow through with the gaining rewards points feature even though it was appealing at first because games are better used to get people motivated initially. However, for most users, downloading a habit tracker shows that they already have that initial motivation.

Since our goal was to build an MVP, our team and I also decided to leave out the social features of the app since it was ranked lower in providing motivation as we learned from our interviews.

Prototypes + Iteration

✨ Introducing... the ultimate habit tracker

Our team landed on four main screens: habits tab, diary tab, progress tab, moodboard tab. I led the prototyping of the progress tab.

👇 Hover to see the final screens

Low fidelity preview
Calendar View Screen

Variety of Views

By offering weekly, monthly, and yearly views, the application enables users to track their progress and ensure they are making strides towards their goals.


The application allows users to create a moodboard where they can compile their motivations and inspirations for their habits into one spot.

Moodboard screen
reflection screen

Daily Reflections

The application enables users to record daily reflections, which can help them identify ways to improve their habit-building efforts and revisit past achievements when they need a motivational boost.

✨ Reflection

What challenge did your team face during the design process?

At the start, we got caught up in many details, leaving us a bit short on time for the prototype phase. Unfortunately, this time constraint resulted in no user testing.

What improvements would you make if you had more time?

Given more time, I would have preferred to test wireframes before moving on to HiFi prototypes. Additionally, conducting heuristic evaluation and user testing for each screen would have been invaluable for iterative enhancements.

What's your next steps for this project?

The next exciting step is to implement the social feature that we had to skip due to time constraints. It would add a new dimension to the project's user experience.